From the Bottom to the Top—How to Overcome Adversity and Excel

Our greatest times of growth never come from easy situations. Just the opposite. In fact, this is where the popular phrase originates: “Trials are meant to make us better, not bitter.” And this is true. You may face adversity in your career: situations that try your patience, that seem (or are!) unfair, and that might make you feel like giving up. But you have a choice. You can let troubles push you down. Or, you can learn from your experiences, get right back up and feel thankful for the challenge.

5 Ways to Keep Your Head High in the Face of Adversity

Here’s what you can do to sail past ongoing challenges and become the wiser, more successful person you know you can become:

  1. Harness the power of inner calm. You may feel challenged and stressed during your work day. But remaining cool, calm and collected is a learned behavior. You can practice quieting your mind by practicing yoga, meditation or deep breathing. Then, during difficult times at work, you can call to mind the feelings of calm you’ve experienced for a five-minute mental break.
  2. Learn from your past successes. How have you handled tough situations successfully in the past? Think about techniques you’ve tried before that worked. Can you apply anything you’ve done before to amend your current situation?
  3. Spend time with uplifting people. Positive, upbeat people can make a huge difference in your day—you may feel your sprits lift just being around them. So seek out these people in your office and stroll by for a visit, or take lunch together. You may see your mood lift—while your daily challenges feel just a little bit lighter.
  4. Visit Human Resources. Depending on the nature of the workplace adversity you’re experiencing, it may help to talk to someone. Perhaps you’re feeling bullied, frequently criticized or otherwise treated unfairly. Discuss your concerns with your Human Resources representative. If you frequently deal with a difficult manager or co-worker, maybe your best option is to transfer to a different role or department.
  5. Set career goals. One great way to handle challenging situations is by knowing there’s a light at the end of the tunnel—and things will get better. You can take your day-to-day a little less seriously when you have your sights set on the future.

Make Your Future Look Brighter

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