Workplace Appreciation Shouldn’t Just be Around Thanksgiving

Employees want to feel their work is valued—this is why expressing your appreciation is so important. By offering praise and recognition, you can provide your workers a sense of achievement, and the encouragement to keep up the good work! Employee appreciation adds to morale, productivity and a strong company culture. So it’s always a good time of year to let employees know their work means the world to you and to the business—and it doesn’t take tons of effort to show them. Here’s what you can do.   

5 Ways to Show Employee Appreciation All Year

You can recognize your employees’ hard work with the following:

  1. Offer specific, sincere compliments. Your words go further than you may think. When an employee has achieved something noteworthy—landed a big client or finished a time-consuming project, for example—just send an email saying thank you for a job well done.
  2. Help them grow. By providing your employees with opportunities to learn and grow, you can show that you have their backs. This could include sending them to an industry conference or event, or offering on- or off-site training sessions.
  3. Let them help with important decisions. Are you changing a policy, hiring someone new, opening another location, etc.? Why not get feedback from the people closest to the work—your employees? Let them in on your future plans and ask for their feedback. Then, put good suggestions into practice—giving them full credit. This simple act can give them a bigger stake in the company and its future, helping to build company loyalty.
  4. Chat with them regularly. You should keep your office door open, or drop by employees’ desks to check in. By talking about topics other than work, and getting to know them better as people, you can send the signal that you appreciate your staff on a human level.
  5. Bring in an unexpected treat. To celebrate a recent success (or even just a random day), bring in coffee and donuts, or pay for lunch to be brought in. Unexpected perks such as these can brighten an employee’s day and show you care.

A Little Appreciation Goes a Long Way

Happy employees are productive employees, and this helps the wheels on your company continue to turn. Plus it’s just good business to take care of the people who work for you—at the end of the day, they’re the ones who help you succeed.

About Snelling Georgia Group

Snelling Georgia Group, Inc. is dedicated to consistently surpassing service performance standards, exceeding expectations and demonstrating a spirit of trust and respect to our customers, our staff and to the community we serve. Looking to hire the best employees in Tucker, Georgia? Contact our skilled team of recruiters and request an employee today!

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