Habits that Can Make Your Mind More Focused and Prepared for Work

A distracted mind on the job can lead to lost productivity and costly mistakes. Here are a few things you can do every day that will help you sharpen your focus and prepare you to bring you’re a-game each and every day.  You might be surprised to hear that extra coffee is not the answer.

Eat Well

Getting proper nutrition is important to performing well on the job. Your body and your brain simply cannot function properly without a healthy diet to support them. Eating a well-balanced diet with limited processed food and sugars will provide the fuel to power you through the day. If you’re chained to a desk all day, keep a stash of healthy snacks on hand to help you avoid being tempted by the junk food in the office vending machine. Keep your coffee intake to a minimum, and avoid skipping meals no matter how busy you get to keep your mind focused on doing the job well.

Get Your ZZZs

Sleep is also critical to job performance. A good 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep at night will help your mind relax and rejuvenate to start the next day off right. Many people find themselves struggling to get as much sleep as they really need, particularly with late night tv and small children to keep them up at all hours. But making sleep a priority will help you give 100% during your work hours.


A good diet and proper rest are important, but exercise gives your mind an equally important boost. Staying active and healthy will have a direct impact on your work performance, from less sick days to a more attentive mind. Exercise doesn’t mean having to hit the gym every day. There are so many options to stay active today that even just taking the stairs instead of the elevator can set you on the right path.

Take Breaks

Taking small breaks throughout the day will also help keep your mind sharp when you are focused on your work. A simple walk around the block to get some fresh air provides the stimulus that your brain needs to detangle itself from the same routine and provide some equally fresh perspective on the toughest issues. While it might seem counterproductive to stop working to be more effective on the job, that breaking up of your day can give you the boost you need to work smarter.

Avoid Email

While it’s all but impossible (and not something we recommend) to avoid email throughout the day, setting aside blocks of time to focus on a deliverable and not respond to email will help you be more focused and productive. Email is distracting. If you stop what you are doing every few minutes to respond to an email, you inevitably lose your train of thought and even the momentum you need to finish the job. Instead, respond to emails in bunches so that you are able to focus on other things in the interim.

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