Looking Back at 2016: Did You Accomplish Your Largest (and Smallest) Goals?

With the new year comes a certain time for self-reflection. Have you been able to accomplish your goals over the past 12 months? Do you know what your goals were? How you were planning to get from point A to point B over that time? You might be surprised that many businesses have difficulties with setting and achieving their yearly goals simply based on these key difficulties. Take a look and see whether these road blocks had an impact on your goals in 2016.

Lack of Organization

When it comes to planning for the year ahead, organization is key. As the saying goes, that which gets measured gets accomplished. So, before you dive into your goal planning, make sure you have the information and resources you need on hand and at your disposal to ensure a successful year of achieving your goals. If you struggled with accomplishing your goals this past year, perhaps it’s because you did not have the systems and processes in place to set yourself and your business up for success. Think about how you can prepare to stay organized in 2017 so that you won’t experience those difficulties in the future.

Lack of Vision

When setting goals, it’s important to dream big. Think about what you really want to achieve and not limit yourself based on perceived limitations or restrictions. Be honest with yourself and don’t shrink away from the success you are fully capable of realizing. Take a look at your goals from 2016. Did they inspire you? Did they motivate your team? If not, they weren’t big enough. When setting your goals for next year, make sure you identify the vision and mission that will get you and your business to where you want to be in the new year.  

Lack of Actionability

While many goals suffer from a lack of vision, and equal number fail at a lack of actionability. It’s important to think through the steps you will need to take to achieve your objective. Do you have the resources you need to accomplish this? Do you have the support? If you set goals that lack a clear path to success, then you are doing yourself a disservice because who knows whether you will be able to act on those goals or not. Goal achievement should never be left up to chance. When thinking about where you want to be this time next year, outline the steps you will need to take to achieve the goals you have set. Keep yourself accountable throughout the year to stay on track and measure your progress as the months go by. Consider resurfacing any goal planning material again to your team at midyear to ensure that everyone is still on board and supportive of the plan and pivot if you need to. It’s those little steps that will result in your year-long success.

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