How to Perfect Your Resume to Make Any Job Offer Within Reach

If you’re a temp in Atlanta, job competition can be stiff. You want to help yourself stand out from the competition. And you can do this with the perfect resume. It’s easy when you follow these resume-writing tips.

Five Steps for the Perfect Resume

Get closer to landing your dream job! You can make your resume shine by including the following top details:

Always Customize for the Job

Your resume is not a one-size-fits-all document. Therefore, you should closely review each description for the job to which you’re applying, and customize a version of your resume to fit. You’ll want to spike out your skills and experience that directly apply to that job.

Work History vs. Skills

The way you structure the body of your resume is dependent on how long you’ve been in the working world. If you’ve just recently graduated, you’ll want to create a functional resume—one that includes a section of the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired. If you have work experience, you can create a chronological resume that includes a list of your applicable work history. Start with your most recent job and work your way back. It’s not necessary to go back further than 15 years.

Professional Affiliations

If you’re a member of any professional groups or clubs, this shows your dedication to your career. Include this information in a section after your work history.

Awards and Recognitions

You can pepper these into your work history as they apply, or create a separate section. This includes any special awards or honors you’ve been given at work, or if you’ve recently graduated, in school.

Other Knowledge and Soft Skills

Computer programs, foreign languages, certifications, and soft skills such as good communication and teamwork fit nicely into their own section. You can also pepper these into your work history.

Make Your Online Presence Match Your Paper Presence

Many recruiters and employers will search for your online through LinkedIn. So when you’ve completed your resume, edit your LinkedIn profile to match.

Looking for Your Next Job?

Contact Snelling Georgia Group. Our expert recruiters will help you find a job you love in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area. To learn more, contact us today!


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