Seven Ways to Create Happy Employees in Atlanta

Your success is derived from the happiness of your employees. That’s because happy employees are satisfied with their jobs and more productive, adding to the quality of the end product your company produces. A stronger end product means increased customer satisfaction and bottom line impact for you.  Therefore, happier employees directly affect the happiness of their employer. But here’s the thing.

You must first directly affect the happiness of your employees. Here’s how:

  1. Help them feel more valuable.
    The best way to do this is to allow your employees to become more valuable.  Give them job responsibilities that help them expand their skills. Offer classes or tuition reimbursement that helps your employees learn and grow in their position. This will ultimately add to the value of their contributions to the company.
  2. Let them in on “the big secret.”
    Don’t keep big-picture items hush-hush. Hold regular meetings and let your employees know what’s to come for the company. They’ll feel more included in the organization and less like bystanders.
  3. Don’t micromanage.
    Nothing is quite as demeaning as a manager who keeps constant tabs on his or her employees. Build trust by assigning tasks with deadlines and allowing your employees to complete them without excessive management.
  4. Be consistent in your management style.
    No one likes the unknown. Set department and company policies, (e.g., dress code, flexible scheduling, etc.) and stick with them. It will help your employees work within the parameters of what you expect from them.
  5. Acknowledge good work.
    Recognize the accomplishments of your staff. This lets them know their hard work is being noticed. It also helps them understand your expectations, and can be an incentive to keep up the good work.
  6. Have fun.
    No one can be serious all of the time, nor should they be. Lightening the mood in your office every once in awhile gives employees a mental break that helps them blow off steam. Consider off-beat team-building exercises, department lunches off-site, or fun wellness or cooking contests (with prizes, of course). Build camaraderie and have a little fun!
  7. Lend an ear.
    When your employees come to you with questions or concerns, be a good listener. In some cases, they may just need to get something off their chest; however, they may also spark ideas for changes that can improve the company culture.

Your employees are your most valuable resource: treat them as such. By working to keep your employees happy, it will help establish your company as a great place to work. Have additional questions? Contact us today for more information!

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