Is Employee Criticism Helping or Hurting Your Team?

Beware the method you use for employee review! While you want to give your employee an honest review or his or her performance, negative criticism can be extremely damaging to the employee’s esteem and productivity. It’s difficult to know exactly how an employee will react, but there are a few possibilities you’ll want to consider before conducting an employee’s review.

The possible effects of negative criticism on an employee

  • A negative attitude. Negative criticism can put your employee on the defensive. That’s because it’s difficult to have a positive attitude when you’ve been presented with your shortcomings. A negative attitude can create unrest in an employee, which can harm the synergy and productivity of your workplace if the negativity spreads to other employees.
  • Employer distrust. After negative criticism, your employee may be afraid to come to you in the future with questions or concerns. She may fear you’ll track this as an issue, or think she is unable to do her job.
  • Resentment. Your employee may become more competitive with his coworkers after receiving negative criticism. He may assume that others received more favorable reviews than he, or that others are being favored. Feelings like these can decrease idea sharing and teamwork, crippling the efforts of your staff.  

How to effectively review an employee
So, how do you conduct an employee review to preserve the motivation and positive attitude of your employees? You’ll need to focus on the positive aspects of an employee’s performance. If you have negative criticisms, you should balance them with positive feedback. Consider the following:

  • Remember that dreams are inspiring. Talking with your employee about her long-term career plans and the best way to accomplish them is more motivating than a discussion of her shortcomings. Be a coach or mentor to your employees. Help them achieve their plans; this will encourage them to work hard for you.
  • Strike a balance. If you do have negative criticism to deliver, balance it with something positive. For example, “You’re doing well in the area of XYZ, but I’ve noticed you’re having some trouble with ABC.” Ask your employee what you can do to help him overcome obstacles and succeed.
  • Be respectful. A performance review isn’t the time for small talk or phone calls. Give your employee your undivided attention. Discuss only topics related to her job performance or the workplace. Never raise your voice or use sarcasm.
  •  Be accurate. If you’ve gotten feedback from other members of your team about an employee’s performance, be sure to verify this information on your own before the performance review. Remember to document everything you discussed during the review, as well as its outcome and what the next steps are for the employee.
  • Let your employee speak. A performance review shouldn’t be a one-sided conversation. Allow your employee to give his feedback, ideas and viewpoint.

Motivate and inspire your employees to be successful at their jobs. By taking these easy steps, you can avoid negativity in your employee performance reviews.

Snelling Georgia Group is one of the leading staffing agencies servicing Redan Georgia. Have additional questions on how a partnership with Snelling Georgia can benefit your workforce? Contact us today for more information. 

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