How Your Slow Hiring Process Costs You Good Employees

The best candidates won’t wait around forever! An inefficient hiring process will rob a company of great potential employees because of the excess time involved in:

  • Searching through applications.
  • Identifying which qualifications are needed for an open position.
  • Narrowing choices down to a few key candidates.

By the time all this is finished, the best candidates have moved along on their merry way to a fresh, new job! What’s an employer to do?

How to Improve Your Hiring Process

In order to maximize your hiring efforts, it’s important to establish your process. This can be easy with just a little planning. Consider the following techniques:

  • Search internally. Cut down the time it takes to hire by posting for the job within your own company. Your current workforce is already familiar with your business, product, corporate culture, processes and procedures so it will be that much faster to train a worker on a new position.
  • Know what you’re looking for. A job posting that clearly defines the job role and required education, skills and qualifications will help narrow down your applicants automatically. Plus, if you know what you need, you can breeze through applications to quickly find matching potential candidates.
  • Consolidate the process where you can. Does your hiring process include steps that are unnecessary or redundant? Make your hiring strategy more efficient by eliminating or combining steps.
  • Work with a staffing partner. Recruiters are experts at what they do. They can locate, interview, hire and even train your new employees in a fraction of the time it would take to do it on your own. Plus, staffing firms have access to databases of candidates that are not available to the general public, so you’ll tap into hidden talent pools and passive candidates.

Time is money.
An inefficient hiring process robs your company of precious resources, not to mention the loss of productivity due to an overworked skeleton crew. Do your budget a favor and take the time to plan for a better recruitment experience.

Find Great New Staff Fast with Snelling Georgia Group.

If you’re an employer in the Atlanta area, you can rely on Snelling Georgia Group for talented new employees. To learn how we can help you meet your staffing challenges, contact one of our experienced recruiters today!

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