Get Your Employees to Work Smarter, Not Harder

The human mind and body are magnificent tools. But, just like any machine, they need regular maintenance for peak performance. As an employer, you expect your staff to work at a high level of productivity—and you can take several steps to help them along and avoid burnout. By suggesting five important work smart tips, you can keep your staff running like a well-oiled machine.

Five Ways to Help Your Workers Remain Productive

The following will help your staff work smarter, not harder:

  1. Break tasks up into chunks. Research shows the human mind can remain focused for about 90 minutes at a time—after which, concentration begins to diminish. By helping your staff break daily tasks up into blocks, they’ll be able to work through a list of tasks, with the incentive of a short break at the end to clear their heads. This could consist of a walk around the building, taking a snack break or checking personal email. Then, they can return to work refreshed and ready to start on the next block of items.
  2. Send workers on regular breaks. Skipping 10-minute breaks and lunch breaks can lead to mental fatigue and decreased performance. It’s vital to remind employees that breaks are important and not to work through them. It may seem that a skipped lunch will open up extra time to get things done, but really it can lead to decreased concentration and loss of focus. Taking a little time off actually helps your workers do more.
  3. Encourage nature walks. Getting outside and into natural surroundings is great way to clear one’s mind—in direct contrast to getting outside to a bustling city street. If possible, it’s a good idea to encourage employees to take a walk around the building, on a nearby bike path or park during their lunch break, for example. If this isn’t an option, taking in a little nature during their days off can also be beneficial—parks, beaches, lakes or forests are all good options.
  4. Pick up the phone. When you have a question, it can often be more helpful to talk it out on a phone call than trying to hash it out via an email chain. A simple phone call for clarification can often save your employees a lot of time.
  5. Check email first thing. This way, your staff will have a clear idea of how to prioritize when creating the day’s to-do list. Urgent inquiries can be responded to in a timely fashion. Plus, employees may find correspondence with information they need to help them complete their assignments.

Teach your staff about work-life balance

The key to being successful at your job is taking regular breaks from it. Just like muscles, the brain needs exercise followed by rest to stay in good shape.

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If you’re looking to staff up in and around Atlanta, give Snelling Georgia Group a call. We’ll work with you to understand your unique staffing needs and build a strategy that fits. To learn more, contact our experienced recruiters today!

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