What are The Best Questions to Ask Employees in Annual Reviews?

Annual reviews are a sometimes stressful time of year, but the information they provide to employers and employees alike is invaluable. Don’t let the opportunity to encourage, redirect, and motivate your team go to waste. Here are four questions to ask your employees during their annual review for a more successful year to come.

What are your goals for the coming year?

This question is a great one to open with because it allows the employee to think big and talk about how their personal objectives align with those of the company. You want to make sure to help them set achievable and measurable goals that will contribute to their success with the company in the long run. Those goals are part of what you can measure their success by in their current role and it gives them a roadmap to achieve the things they want to in the next 12 months.

What do you struggle with day to day?

This question provides employees with the opportunity to discuss any issues they come up against on a daily basis, whether it’s in limited resources or personnel concerns. Those topics should be of concern to you as well as them, and this question opens up the lines of communication to ensure solutions are also part of the conversation. You may also use this opportunity to identify some issues that are of concern for you when it comes to their performance, and set a clear timeline and action plan to address those issues.

How can I help you be more effective in your role?

This question is a direct request for feedback from your employees. You might be surprised that it’s worth asking, but keep in mind that the review process is more than a simple line item for human resources. It’s a chance to engage with your employees one on one and collaborate with them on how your team can run more smoothly. Many employees who are not asked this question in private may not feel compelled to volunteer their thoughts. Make sure you take their answers seriously and do what you can to help them in their role.

What motivates you to come to work every day?

This might be a personal question, but it results in tangible insights into the mind of your team member. Knowing why they are motivated to do what they do will help you better understand them and help them achieve more. It also helps you gauge how aligned their motivations are with yours. Do they love what they do? Do they need the money? These insights will tell you how they will perform in the long run and establish a stronger bond of trust between yourself and your employee as you show them that you are invested in their success.

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