How can you make sure you stay successful after landing a promotion?

Congrats! You landed that promotion you’ve been dreaming about and are working your way down your career path with high hopes and big ideas.  Allow yourself a little time to appreciate the moment, then look to the future. How do you make sure you stay successful in your new role? Here are a few tips to keep you on track.

Redefine Relationships

Every promotion puts you in a situation where you need to reevaluate your peer set. Your interactions with coworkers likely will need to take your new role into account, so don’t underestimate the need to rethink your work relationships. It’s likely that some of your former peers are new direct reports. That relationship may be strained for a little while as people wonder whether they are able to trust you in your new role. On the other hand, it can be tough connecting with your new peers as stakes are higher in management. Competition can be ruthless. But in spite of the risks, it is now more important than ever to establish quality relationships with your coworkers no matter their relation to your new role. Hold on to your sense of integrity and common goals to point you in the right direction.

Provide Value

As an internal hire, your corporate leadership is looking to you to provide the insight and value that only an experienced employee can provide in your new role. Make sure you don’t disappoint. Use your insider knowledge about how decisions are made and internal processes to ease the transition and make a positive impact. Then be sure to document and broadcast that value to your supervisors and corporate leadership to make sure they know what an asset you are to the company.

Let Go of Previous Responsibilities

When you move into a new role, it can be difficult to let go of those responsibilities you used to perform so well on. But doing this is critical to your success in a new role. Do what you can to train and prepare your replacement, then look to the bigger picture for long-term success. Don’t become the micro-manager who you dreaded to work for or with. Trust your team to do a good job in support of your overarching vision and goals.

Actively Gather Feedback

No one can perform well in an information vacuum, so be sure to actively solicit and gather honest feedback about your performance in your new role. Prepare yourself to hear some positive and some negative input and do everything you can to put that feedback to good use and do better every day.

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