Why is Past Experience the Most Important Part of Your Resume?

Beyond the many different parts of your resume, past work experience is the most important. Why? Because it shows potential employers what makes YOU uniquely qualified for an open job, including Atlanta temp jobs. Your experience is different than that of anyone else and sets you apart from the crowd. So for this reason, you’ll want to describe your work experience in the best possible light to get noticed by recruiters and hiring managers.

All Experience Counts

When you’re looking for a new job, it’s important to remember that every past job was a learning experience for you. But an employer can’t know what you learned just by simply reading through a list of past jobs. You must be able to frame your work experience in terms of what you took away from it. What matters is how you look at each situation and describe what you learned within the body of your resume.

How to List Work Experience Properly on Your Resume

The key is to determine what qualifications an employer is looking for in a new hire. Then, you must carefully review your past experience and think about how it prepared you for future jobs. It’s key to include the following:

  • Challenges you faced, either in the form of a project or task OR a difficult work situation
  • The action or actions or you took to address each challenge
  • What you learned from the experience and how it helped you grow in your career

It can help to list two or three examples of challenging situations you overcame for each of your past work experiences.

Don’t Forget LinkedIn!                                        

It’s important that your resume and LinkedIn profile match—and most employers will check! So whenever you make changes to your resume, be sure to follow suit on LinkedIn. Plus, if you don’t get this job, an updated LinkedIn profile will also help attract the attention of recruiters.

Looking for a Recruiter?

Let Snelling Georgia Group help! We help candidates in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area find work, and we’re ready to match you with a job you love! To learn more, just contact our experienced recruiters today!

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