The Key to Happiness Begins with Thankfulness: The Guide to Properly Thanking Your Coworkers

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, it’s the time of year when we pause to give thanks for all the good things in our lives: family, friends, success and happiness, to name a few. With a 40-hour work week, we spend a good portion of our waking hours at work—so coworkers are another aspect of our lives for which to give thanks!

Four Ways to Thank Your Coworkers

During this season of giving, how can you say thanks to those who make your daily work a little easier and a whole lot more fun? Just check out these tips from a provider of job openings in August, GA—Snelling Georgia Group!

Simply Say Thank You

One of the greatest skills in life is being able to say thank you and truly, genuinely mean it. You can build your “attitude of gratitude” by just smiling and saying thank you to those around you for lending a helping hand when you need it.

Remember Coffee Orders

Does your coworker prefer one cream/two sugars, just plain black or a fancy latte drink? Whatever their preference for their morning pick-me-up, a simple gesture like bringing your coworker a cup of their favorite coffee is a perfect and easy way to say thanks.

Write a Kind Note

Whether it’s a post-it or a note card, leaving your kind words of gratitude on your fellow employee’s desk can mean the difference between a great day and a so-so day. It feels good to feel appreciated, so spread the love by writing it down!

Invite them to Lunch

Heading out of the office for a lunch break is a relaxing way to kick back and rejuvenate before jumping back into the day. If a coworker has been a big help to you, why not say thanks by taking them to their favorite lunch spot? You’ll be able to hang out and catch up during your time away from the hustle of the office.

Help them Right Back

If one of your coworkers helped you at work by explaining something you didn’t understand or training you on something you hadn’t used before, or even by picking up the slack when you needed an extra set of hands—do the same next time they need help! This builds a supportive and friendly company culture because many hands make lighter work.

Your Kindness Goes a Long Way!

Work environments where employees care about and take care of each other are among the best to work in. You can add to the positive energy in your workplace by spreading your thankfulness around—during the holiday season, and throughout the rest of the year.

Looking for a New Job?

Maybe you’re currently in search of a new job for the upcoming New Year. If that’s the case, check out Snelling Georgia Group! We’ll work with you to understand your career goals and find a position you love. To learn more, contact us today!

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