How to Properly Set Career Goals for 2019

The New Year presents a fresh new start, especially in your career. Maybe you like your job, but you’re no longer in love with it. Or maybe you’re ready for a complete change to a different position or even industry. You may feel unhappy and unsatisfied, but things won’t really change until you set goals to help you get where you want to go.

Five Steps to Successful Career Goals

Like everything else, there are best practices for planning your future endeavors and ways to make the most of your efforts. Just follow these steps from one of the leading providers of temp jobs in Atlanta, Snelling Georgia Group:

Picture Your Future

You may feel you need a change, but you’re not sure what that change should be. So, take some time to daydream a little—where do you see yourself in a year? In five years? What would make you happy? Understanding where you might like to go is the first step in getting there.

Choose Goals and Set Steps

Based on what you think you’d like, begin to set goals for this year. Break your goals down into smaller and smaller steps until you’ve created a clear pathway to help you accomplish your tasks. Set deadlines for these steps. And remember, nothing is carved in stone—you can always change and adjust steps as you move forward.

Make a Promise to Commit

Your own passion will help you stick to your goals. So be sure you choose an end goal you believe in and make yourself commit to accomplishing it. If you feel half-hearted about anything in your plan, change it.

Be realistic. Dreaming is good, but you need to have a clear understanding of what you can reasonably accomplish in a year. Challenge yourself, but don’t set steps and deadlines that are so outlandish, you can’t reasonably complete them. Remember: slow and steady wins the race.

Review Your Progress

As you approach each deadline, review how close you are to achieving it. Think about what you’ve done well and what you may need to do better, then make plans to improve. If you need help, reach out to colleagues, coworkers, family or friends. Networking is an important way to learn from others and, in turn, help yourself.

Setting Goals is Good for You!

Having something to work towards is good for your self-esteem, confidence and quality of life. So in 2019, work hard but also work smart—set career goals for what you’d like to achieve!

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