Is Your Morning Routine Setting You Up for a Stressful, or Happy, Workday?

What are your mornings usually likeThe way you start your day has a huge impact on your ability to handle stress and generate work throughout the day. By practicing smart morning routines, you can help yourself have the best day possible. And who can’t use more positive energy, helping you to get stuff done 

Five Ways to Kickstart Your Morning 

Are you ready? Follow these five tips from one of the leading staffing agencies in Atlanta to make the most of your morning and start your day strong!  


Nothing gets your blood flowing quite like a workout. As soon as your alarm goes off—hit the gym, jump on your stationary bike or strap on your sneakers and walk the dog around the neighborhood. Your workout doesn’t have to be a huge time commitment, just enough to get your heart pumping. Plus, when you complete a workout, you’ll already be able to cross something off your to-do list for the day, which is a motivating way to start!  

Learn Something New

If you’ve ever seen a “word of the day” screen saver or desk calendar, you’re already familiar with this concept! Learning something first thing in the morning is a great way to get your brain revved up and ready to go. There are many ways to do this—you could take a new route to work, learn a new word, Google an inspirational phrase, read an informational article or try a new workout at the gym.  

Eat Breakfast

Even if you don’t feel hungry, eat something small. Putting food into your system gives your brain the energy it needs to get going. A good choice is lean protein, such as eggs or yogurt; fresh fruit; and whole grains, like toast or cereal.  

Go Easy on the Coffee

If you need a cup to help you wake up, that’s OK. But beyond that, stick to water. Too much caffeine can make you jittery and may actually make it harder to focus.  

Just Get Started

Accomplishing just one thing in the morning can set the tone for the rest of your day. If you feel not-quite-awake yet, or if you’re having a hard time focusing—try to just jump in. Choose an easy task that will help you warm up your brain. The feeling of finishing something is incredibly motivating.  

Feeling Better? 

If you’ve tried some new techniques but you’re still feeling stressed out at work, it may be time to talk to your boss. Are you working shorthanded, or do you need to shuffle some responsibilities around? Schedule some time to review your concerns and ask your boss for help.  

Maybe it’s Time for Something New 

Sometimes, a new job is what you need to feel motivated again. And if you’re in search of work in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, Snelling Georgia Group can help. To learn more, contact us today!  

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