How to reconnect with old coworkers to advance your career in 2020

Previous contacts can be a valuable source of information. This is particularly important if you’re currently in search of a new job and want to reach out and network with those you once knew. But you run the risk of an awkward conversation and might be wondering how to approach people who were once front-and-center in your life. How should you contact them and what should you say to help ease into the conversation? Just follow these tips from a leading provider of jobs in Statesboro Georgia—Snelling Georgia Group. 

How to Reach Out 

Fortunately, you have a few ways to do this. The most obvious, and possibly the most effective, is to reach out through social media. If you’re not already connected on LinkedIn, ask to connect and then send a private message. You can do the same thing on Facebook—send a friend request and then a private message. If you’re more old-fashioned and still have the person’s email, you can reach out this way and ask for a few minutes to have a conversation by phone. Or, if there’s a networking event you think they may be at, make plans to attend.  

What to Say 

The next step is what to actually say to the person when you contact them. You have a few options. Mostly, think about how you would want to be approached if the situation were reversed—you might be happy to hear from them, or you might be straight up confused. First, think back to the relationship you had with the person… did they previously play a role as someone from whom you often sought advice? If this is the case, you could frame your message as another request for advice, and this time in your job search—have they heard of any openings, or do they have any suggestions?  

If you’ve never asked for advice from your contact before, you can still ask for some. You’ll just need to pose your message a little differently. You could begin by introducing yourself and saying, “You may not remember me” and then describing your past working relationship, or how you met. Thenstate your request. For example, “I found you on LinkedIn and see you’re working in Boston at XYZ Company. I’m thinking of moving there for work and was wondering if I could talk to you and get your thoughts on the industry in that city.”  

Don’t be Insincere 

It’s never a good idea to infuse your message with too much emotion, for example, “I miss working with you so much!” The key is to keep it friendly, and not overly emotional, which will come off as being fake. Instead, keep your message light, but professional, always polite, and gracious for the person’s time 

A Recruiter Can Help 

If you’re in search of a new job, a recruiter is also a great contact! He or she will work with you to understand your career goals and help you find a position that fits.  

In the Atlanta Area? 

If you’re looking for work in and around Atlanta, reach out to Snelling Georgia Group! We specialize in helping qualified candidates find work they love.  

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