Posts Tagged: Understanding Workplace Stress

Find Your Limits: Understanding Stress in the Workplace

Minimizing Stress at Work | Snelling Georgia Group

Do you feel “stressed out” at work? Having too many responsibilities can make you feel as if you’re trying to wrap your arms around the ocean. In the long term, too much stress can lead to anxiety, depression, changes in your eating and sleeping habits, difficulty concentrating, and health conditions, such as increased blood pressure.… Read More »

Understanding Your Mental Breaking Point and Knowing When to Walk Away and Regroup

We all have one: the point when all of life’s demands—work, home obligations, social life and everything in between—just become too much. In other words, your breaking point. When you reach it, you may feel completely overwhelmed, as if you’re struggling to get through each day while the weight of your responsibilities bears down on… Read More »