Not getting any LinkedIn recommendations? Here’s Why…and What You Can Do

LinkedIn recommendations can be integral in your job search. The words of professionals who have worked with you and found value in your skill set and work ethic can help launch you toward your next career. However, it’s possible you have requested a recommendation but waited for days—or weeks—without hearing back from your LinkedIn contact. Why did that happen? And what can you do?

There may be a simple—or not so simple—explanation for the lack of response:

  • Your contact may have forgotten about your request.
    We are only human, and many of us get tied up in multiple projects at work, coupled with obligations at home…the list goes on and on. If you feel your contact is someone who would be willing to write you a recommendation, help jog her memory by sending a reminder email. Give her a few weeks to write your recommendation before you send the email, as she may be juggling many other tasks. You can also help remind her by sending a trade option, such as offering to write a LinkedIn recommendation for her.
  • He may not be as tech savvy as you think.
    The lack of response from your contact may be caused by his lack of LinkedIn know-how. Perhaps he simply does not understand how to supply a recommendation using the LinkedIn program. Again, give him a few weeks to recommend you and, if you feel he is a good recommendation candidate, send him a follow up reminder. You might consider including the steps for how to send a recommendation in the body of your reminder email.
  • She may be avoiding the request.
    Unfortunately, it’s possible your working relationship wasn’t as positive as you remember. Also, maybe it was long enough ago that your contact cannot quite remember what it was like working with you. She may be unsure what to write in your recommendation or feel uncomfortable writing one for you. Don’t take it personally. Give your contact a few weeks to respond and then send a follow up email. If you still do not receive your recommendation, let it go and move on.

It’s quality—not quantity—that matters
When building up your online resume through LinkedIn, remember that a few strong recommendations help your plight more than a bunch of generic, random recommendations. As a rule, only request recommendations from coworkers with which you have had multiple positive experiences. If possible, request a recommendation right after you have received praise from a coworker on a recent project or accomplishment. Your work will be fresh in his or her mind and you will be more likely to receive a solid, glowing recommendation.  

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